Bifacial solar panels are an innovative advancement in photovoltaic technology, designed to absorb sunlight from both the front and back surfaces, thereby increasing energy generation efficiency. Unlike traditional solar panels that only capture sunlight from one side, bifacial panels are more versatile and can generate more power from reflected light and diffuse radiation. This technology is increasingly popular due to its potential for higher energy yields, making it a favored choice for various solar installations, including ground-mounted, rooftop, and even floating solar farms. As the demand for renewable energy continues to surge globally, several manufacturers have established themselves as leaders in producing high-quality bifacial solar panels. This article provides an updated overview of the top bifacial solar panel manufacturers in 2024, their supply chain centers, and key industry fairs.

Location (Headquarters): Shenzhen, China
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540-550W Panel

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450W Panel

410w solar panel manufacturer

395-415W Panel

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580-590W Topcon

705w solar panel manufacturer

685-705W Topcon

300w solar panel manufacturer

300-330W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

250-280W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

150-170W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

100-115W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

80-90W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

50-55W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

40W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

30W Panel

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20W Panel

280w solar panel manufacturer

5W Panel

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Solar Charge Controller

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Part 1.Supply Chain Centers of Bifacial Solar Panel Manufacturers

Shenzhen, China

Shenzhen, another key player in the solar industry, is renowned for its manufacturing prowess and technological innovation. The city hosts several leading bifacial solar panel manufacturers in China, such as Suntech and Hanwha Q CELLS. Shenzhen’s strategic location near major ports facilitates seamless export operations, ensuring timely delivery of solar products to international markets. The city’s advanced infrastructure supports high-volume manufacturing, enabling companies to scale production to meet global demand.

Moreover, Shenzhen’s dynamic business environment and favorable government policies attract significant investments in the renewable energy sector. The city’s commitment to sustainability and green technology aligns with the objectives of solar panel manufacturers, fostering an ecosystem that encourages growth and innovation. With a strong focus on R&D, manufacturers in Shenzhen are continually improving the performance and cost-effectiveness of bifacial solar panels.

Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg, often referred to as the “Green City,” is a central hub for solar energy in Europe. Known for its commitment to sustainability, Freiburg is home to several prominent bifacial solar panel manufacturers in germany, including leading European firms like SolarWorld. The city’s well-established solar research centers and universities play a pivotal role in advancing photovoltaic technology. Collaborations between academic institutions and industry leaders drive innovation, resulting in high-efficiency bifacial solar panels.

The city’s strategic location in Europe offers logistical advantages, providing easy access to markets across the continent. Freiburg’s focus on renewable energy policies and initiatives creates a supportive environment for solar manufacturers. Additionally, the city’s emphasis on green building standards and sustainable urban planning further boosts the demand for solar energy solutions, including bifacial panels.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo stands out as a significant center for solar technology innovation and production in Asia. The city hosts several leading manufacturers of solar panels in Japan, such as Panasonic and Sharp. Tokyo’s advanced technological infrastructure and strong R&D capabilities enable these companies to develop cutting-edge solar solutions. The city’s well-connected transportation network ensures efficient distribution of solar products within Japan and to international markets.

Government support and incentives for renewable energy further strengthen Tokyo’s position in the solar industry. Policies aimed at promoting clean energy adoption drive the demand for high-efficiency bifacial solar panels. Additionally, Tokyo’s commitment to sustainability and carbon reduction aligns with the goals of solar manufacturers, fostering a collaborative environment for growth and innovation.

San Jose, USA

San Jose, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, is a prominent center for solar technology and innovation in the United States. The city is home to leading solar panel manufacturers in USA like SunPower. San Jose’s robust technological ecosystem, characterized by numerous tech firms and research institutions, supports continuous advancements in solar technology. This environment enables manufacturers to develop highly efficient and reliable bifacial solar panels.

The city’s strategic location provides easy access to both domestic and international markets, facilitating efficient distribution of solar products. San Jose’s emphasis on sustainability and clean energy initiatives further boosts the demand for solar solutions. Supportive government policies and incentives for renewable energy adoption enhance the growth prospects for bifacial solar panel manufacturers in the region.

Part 2:Top 5 Bifacial Solar Panel Manufacturers in the World

Jinko Solar

Jinko Solar, headquartered in Shanghai, China, is a global leader in the solar industry, renowned for its high-quality bifacial solar panels. Established in 2006, Jinko Solar has rapidly expanded its operations worldwide, becoming one of the largest solar module manufacturers. The company offers a diverse range of products, including monocrystalline and polycrystalline modules, as well as advanced bifacial panels that deliver superior performance.

Jinko Solar’s bifacial solar panels are known for their high efficiency and durability, designed to maximize energy yield from both sides of the panel. The company’s extensive R&D efforts focus on enhancing the technology’s performance and reducing costs, making it a preferred choice for various solar installations. With a strong global presence and a commitment to innovation, Jinko Solar continues to lead the market in bifacial solar technology.


SunPower, based in San Jose, USA, is a pioneering name in the solar industry, with a rich history dating back to its founding in 1985. The company is renowned for its innovative solar solutions, including high-efficiency bifacial solar panels. SunPower’s commitment to sustainability and cutting-edge technology has positioned it as a leader in the renewable energy sector.

SunPower’s bifacial solar panels are designed to deliver superior energy output by capturing sunlight from both sides. These panels are ideal for a wide range of applications, from residential rooftops to large-scale commercial solar panel installations. With a focus on quality and performance, SunPower’s products offer long-term reliability and efficiency, making them a top choice for customers seeking advanced solar solutions.

LG Electronics

LG Electronics, headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, has been a major player in the electronics and solar industries since its establishment in 1958. The company offers a comprehensive range of solar products, including the highly acclaimed LG bifacial solar panels. Known for their superior build quality and high efficiency, LG’s solar panels are designed to meet the growing demand for renewable energy solutions.

The LG bifacial solar panels are engineered to capture more sunlight and generate higher energy output, making them an excellent choice for various solar projects. With a strong focus on innovation and sustainability, LG continues to enhance its solar technology, offering products that combine performance, reliability, and aesthetic appeal. The company’s global reach and extensive distribution network ensure that LG solar panels are widely available to customers around the world.

Canadian Solar

Canadian Solar, founded in 2001 and headquartered in Guelph, Ontario, is a leading global provider of solar energy solutions. The company is well-known for its high-quality bifacial solar panels, which are designed to deliver enhanced energy output by capturing sunlight from both sides. Canadian Solar’s extensive product range includes monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and bifacial modules, catering to diverse customer needs.

The Canadian Solar bifacial solar panels are recognized for their efficiency and durability, making them suitable for various installations, from residential rooftops to large-scale solar farms. With a strong commitment to research and development, Canadian Solar continuously improves its products to ensure maximum performance and reliability. The company’s global presence and robust distribution network make it a trusted choice for customers seeking advanced solar solutions.

Hanwha Q CELLS

Hanwha Q CELLS, a subsidiary of the South Korean conglomerate Hanwha Group, is a leading manufacturer of high-performance bifacial solar panels. The company was founded in 1999 and has its headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. Hanwha Q CELLS is known for its innovative solar technology and commitment to sustainability, making it a key player in the global solar market.

The Hanwha bifacial modules are designed to capture sunlight from both the front and back, significantly increasing energy output. These panels are ideal for a wide range of applications, including commercial and utility-scale projects. Hanwha Q CELLS’ focus on quality and efficiency ensures that their bifacial solar panels deliver long-term reliability and performance. With a strong emphasis on research and development, the company continues to push the boundaries of solar technology.

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Part 3:Main Fairs for Finding Bifacial Solar Panel Factory

Intersolar Europe

Intersolar Europe, held annually in Munich, Germany, is one of the world’s leading exhibitions for the solar industry. The fair attracts numerous exhibitors and visitors from around the globe, providing an excellent platform to discover the latest innovations in bifacial solar panels. Attendees can explore a wide range of products, engage with industry experts, and forge valuable business connections.

SNEC PV Power Expo

The SNEC PV Power Expo, held in Shanghai, China, is a premier event for the solar energy sector. This fair showcases cutting-edge technologies and products from top solar inverter manufacturers in China and worldwide. It offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in bifacial solar panels and network with key industry players. The expo is a must-visit for anyone looking to stay ahead in the dynamic solar market.

Conclusion about Bifacial Solar Panel Manufacturers

In conclusion, the bifacial solar panel market is thriving, with numerous manufacturers leading the way in innovation and quality. Key supply chain centers like Shanghai, Shenzhen, Freiburg, Tokyo, and San Jose play crucial roles in supporting the industry’s growth. Top manufacturers such as Jinko Solar, SunPower, LG Electronics, Canadian Solar, and Hanwha Q CELLS continue to advance the technology, providing high-efficiency solar solutions for diverse applications. Major industry fairs like Intersolar Europe and SNEC PV Power Expo offer valuable platforms for discovering the latest products and trends in bifacial solar technology.

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